The weather diary is a weather blog of sorts; a collection of journal entries, photographs and articles storying our relationships with the weather and atmosphere.
My love for the weather started in 2011 while I was living in Sheffield, finding form in 2014 when I made a short documentary about a defining feature of the city’s microclimate called Chasing Sheffield’s Rain Shadow. The centerpoint of the documentary, aside from my best Professor Brian Cox impressions, was a research paper published in 2018: Quantifying the Rain-Shadow Effect: Results from the Peak District, British Isles. The story of that project can be found here: The story of finding Sheffield’s rain shadow.
Over the last year couple of years I’ve moved from writing as therapy to writing about the weather, arriving at a few articles and a growing library of journals I feel increasingly confident in sharing.
The weather diary, is a long-term project I’m working on around a full-time job. I’ve plenty of ideas to pursue; a collection of questions to explore as a means of storying the skies and how they influence our lives.
The articles section is for longer-form pieces as they’re gathered.
Journals is a collection of entries from my notebook edited for flow and coherence, with the general content left as its laid. They’re a form of practice. I don’t always have a photo of the sky from the same day as the entry, but I’ve included them for those that I do.
The photos section is for framing moments of curiosity in the sky alongside words capturing the sentiment behind them.
My name is Alex Stockham. I was born in 1992 and grew up on the outskirts of Sheffield before moving into the city to study in 2010. I’ve lived in London since 2015.
Work forms a significant part of my life enough to mention. I manage a content and marketing team at a small tech company called Inpart where we help scientists in academia and industry connect based on the alignment of their research priorities.
If you have a question or a thought to share about the weather diary, drop me a message through the contact form below.
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